LIFELINK central (LLC) – defibrillator monitoring platform
LIFELINKcentral is an online defibrillator monitoring platform that provides two-way communication with your CR2 Wi-Fi defibrillators and alerts you completely automatically to anything that may affect the readiness of your defibrillator.
Defibrillator location.
Battery not charged?
Electrodes running out?
Did a problem occur during the self-test of good operation?
Is the AED in use? (cardiac arrest incident).
Automatic sending of data, to a first aid centre during the incident.
For all of the above you will receive automatic, timely and recurring updates from the LLC via email, ensuring the functionality and effectiveness of your AEDs for their lifetime.
In addition the LLC provides.
*Automatic software updates of the AEDs, in accordance with applicable ECR/AHA defibrillation protocols.
*Ability to import and track, consumables and first aid materials (pharmacies, fire extinguishers, etc.).
*Ability to import and monitor staff training certificates.
*Compatible with all Stryker defibrillators.
*LLC is compatible with all platforms – computer, mobile and tablet operating systems.