DefiSign LIFE Defibrillator Fully Automatic
Fully automatic defibrillator
DefiSign LIFE Defibrillator fully automatic (NEW)
- User-friendly
- 10 year guarantee
- Multilingual (pre-installed with English, Polish and German, other language packages are available)
- Easy to Use
- Long life electrodes and battery
- High dust and water resistance
- Reliable and respected manufacturer
Contact us for advice or a better offer.
DefiSign LIFE fully automatic defibrillator
The DefiSign LIFE defibrillator is designed for use by non-profession als. This competitively priced AED gives clear verbal instructions, talking the rescuer through each step of the resuscitation process.
The AED starts working as soon as the front cover is opened, beginning with clear spoken instructions, supported by images that are highlighted by LED lights. Step-by-step the AED explains what needs to be done, making the DefiSign LIFE exceptionally user-friendly.
The electrodes are clearly visible and accessible; they are pre-connected to the AED, ready to be attached directly to the patients exposed chest, saving valuable seconds. The electrodes for this AED have a 2.5 year lifespan, which is recorded on the AED; when the electrodes are due to expire, the AED will alert you that they need replacing. The battery has an exceptional 6 year lifespan, as a result the running costs of this AED are kept to a minimum.
Special paediatric electrodes are required when using this AED for child casualties, these electrodes scan be stored on the back of the AED, ready for use if necessary and also come with a 2.5 year lifespan. When paediatric electrodes are connected to the AED, the energy level of the shock is adjusted to a lower level, more suitable for a child. The DefiSign AED can therefore be used for both adult and child patients.
Always Ready to Use
Various LED lights on the front of the AED provide reassurance that your AED is ready for use. If the status indicator on the right burns green, then you can be assured that your AED is ready for an emergency. If any of the lights on the left are burning, then you will be alerted that there is a problem that needs addressing. The user manual clearly shows what each warning light signifies, in most cases it is usually a low shelf-life on the battery or electrodes that may be the problem.
Due to its high resistance against dust and water contamination, the DefiSign LIFE can be hung inside or outside, please note that a special outdoor AED cabinet is required if you wish to store the AED outside.
Long 10 Year Manufacturers Guarantee
De DefiSign LIFE AED comes with a long 10 year manufacturers guarantee, ensuring a long and reliable lifetime for your device. This long warranty period, distinguishes the DefiSign LIFE AED head and shoulders above its competitors.
If the AED is going to be used in a multi-national environment, for example an international business or holiday park, the DefiSign LIFE has the ability to store three interchangeable languages. At the touch of a button, the language can be changed to any one of the set languages, even during the resuscitation process. The DefiSign Life comes with a standard pre-installed language package consisting of English, Polish and German, other language packages are available if you require a language other than these.
The DefiSIgn LIFE defibrillator is manufactured by the renowned manufacturer Schiller Medical. Schiller Medical is a leading brand in the medical industry and this is reflected in the quality of the DefiSign LIFE AED.
In short, if you are looking for a practical, affordable and user-friendly defibrillator, then choose the DefiSign LIFE AED. With its 10 year warranty, you are always guaranteed a reliable device. Its competitive price and high specifications, multi-lingual capability and high dust and water resistance that enable the AED to be used in all situations, complete with clear user-friendly verbal instructions, the DefiSIgn LIFE AED is the defibrillator that will enable anyone to save a life.
What’s Included:
- DefiSign LIFE Fully-Automatic Defibrillator
- Battery
- Adult Electrode Pads
- User Manual
- AED Checklist
- FREE Rescue Kit
- FREE ILCOR wall sign
- FREE UPS Delivery within the UK and Europe
- FREE Replacement electrodes and/or battery whenever your AED has been deployed in an emergency
- FREE feedback readout of your AED following the first deployment
- Free 1 year AED Safeguard Plan (or upgrade to the AED Service for just £69)
- PRICELESS ongoing expert advice for all your resuscitation questions and enquiries
What does our product specialist say?
“The latest addition to the innovative DefiSign range does not disappoint. With high spec features, including the longest manufacturers warranty, IP rating and battery lifespan of all the AEDs that we sell, the DefiSign Life AED is leagues ahead of other defibrillators in its category. If these high specifications are not enough, the DefiSign Life is also multi-lingual! It comes in three pre-set languages, chosen from a long list of available language packages, the language can be changed during the resuscitation process, without interrupting, at the touch of a button. Built by the renowned manufacturer Schiller, you are guaranteed quality, reliability and durability. If you are looking for a robust AED that will take you well into the 2020s with up-to-date specifications, then the DefiSign Life is the AED to choose”.